Saturday, January 1, 2011

Philippe Sollers, Treasure of Love

"We live in Venice, therefore, Minna and me, away. We can not escape, you see nobody, water, books, birds, trees, boats, bells, silence, music, we agree on everything. Never enough time yet again. Late at night, a grand march to the ferry terminal and back, when all sleep. I get up early, the sun on the left, and that time again, and again time. You are silent much, that evidence means. The lovers are alone in the world because the world is done for them and by them. Love is in the vortex cell of chance, and those two had a chance to meet a few billion at the same time. Between French and Italian, there is a long and bizarre history. She asks, with Stendhal, only deepen. "
Philippe Sollers was born in Bordeaux. He founded the journal and the collection as it stood in 1960, then in 1983, the magazine and The Infinite Collection. Author of numerous novels and essays (Paradise, Women, Portrait of the players, the absolute heart, Day in Venice, The Secret, The War of taste, The rider of the Louvre, Casanova's admirable ...) it has published by Editions Gallimard fixed Passion (Vintage White, 2000, Folio No. 3566), The Star Lovers (Vintage White, 2002 Folio No. 4120), A Divine Life (Vintage White, 2006, Folio No. 4533), The Travelers Time (Vintage White, 2009), Great Speeches (Vintage White, 2010).
Impressions: I must confess right now, I'm not at all a fan of Sollers ... Author libertine and malicious, praised by all the cream-Pratini Germano, has a knack for exasperating me ...
But given all the critical praise and unanimous, so I went in trying to put my evil thoughts a bit muted reaction ...
I have conquered the first few pages, beautiful passages about Venice, about love, literature.But after a while ... pffff We are bored ... The journey of a dreamer becomes a bit disjointed Treaty on Stendhal and loves missed ....
Hardly enough to really masterpiece ... A pretentious book although I confess it is well written ...
You can safely do without and if you still want to shine in society, read a lagarde you will learn much about Stendhal without losing too much time!

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